Turkmen Spices and Seasonings

Turkmen Spices and Seasonings

In Turkmenistan, seasonings are added to every dish. Turkmen spices and seasonings include ground pepper (red and black), mint, wild parsley, and azhgon (cumin), and uzhgun (buzhguk) – pistachio galls (swellings on the edges of the foliage), and saffron, and garlic, and sesame.

Turkmens also use onions as a seasoning. It is also eaten raw, sliced into rings, and seasoned with vinegar, as well as added to soups and second courses (fried until golden brown).

They also love dandelion. Its inflorescences and leaves are bitter and therefore cause appetite. Thyme is also popular. Dried nettle is also used as a seasoning.

It is customary to add spicy herbs to soups, second courses, and even drinks and sweets.