Tang Lotus Garden in Xian

Tang Lotus Garden in Xian is the embodiment of the Tang Empire heyday

Tang Lotus Garden, located in the south of Xian, represents a magnificent sight. This theme park, covering an area of over 650 square meters, represents the reign of the famous imperial Tang Dynasty.

The rulers of the Tang family were reigning from the beginning of VII century to the X century. This was the Tang period when ancient China experienced its heyday and the highest might. It left all the other nations of the world much behind in cultural and economic development.

No wonder, that not only Xian residents, but also the whole population of China greatly respect the historical heritage of the Tang era. Moreover, the city of Xian, called Chang'an at that time, was the capital of the Tang Empire. It still has a number of monuments extant from that era.

Tang Lotus Garden, which we can see today, was built on the ruins of ancient Lotus Garden. This is not just a huge and very beautiful park, occupied by one third by a lake with gorgeous lotuses, but also a cultural complex with buildings in Tang style, such as: the Ziyun Tower, Yuyuan Palace, Theatre Fengming Tszyuytyan, etc.

Lotus Park is divided into 12 theme areas dedicated to the life of the imperial court, poetry and everyday life of the Chinese people of that era, religion, women of antiquity, tea ceremony and so on. The central building of the park complex can be considered the Purple Cloud Tower - the place where the imperial court was having fun and entertainment. One can endlessly wander and admire the man-made landscape of Lotus Garden, as if by magic wand changing its look at the sunrise and sunset.

The natural beauty and historical exposition of Lotus Garden are often used as decoration for many Chinese films, especially for those whose story describes the events of the Tang era. In addition, Lotus Garden is famous for a huge number of various theatrical performances of traditional dances and songs. There you can watch a movie in a unique water curtain cinema with a mirror-like surface, serving as a screen, a show of musical fountains, and fireworks displays. This number of interesting sights in the park attracts both the Xian people and tourists.