Photo gallery of night Bukhara

When a night is sinking on Sacred Bukhara, the ancient city fades. The traders, tourists and travelers disappear from the streets, and everything withdraws into silence. It is the time, when the ancient mosques, madrasahs and the Ark Fortress acquire greatness of the centuries, and only old stars glitter over them. We offer you a small selection of photos of Bukhara at night.

Kalyan Minaret and Mosque, Bukhara
Poi-Kalyan Ensemble, Bukhara
Kalyan Minaret, Bukhara
Lyabi-Hauz and Nodir Divan-begi Khanaka, Bukhara
Telpak Furushon Trading Dome, Bukhara
Telpak Furushon Trading Dome, Bukhara
Ulugbek Madrasah, Bukhara
Chor-Minor Madrasah, Bukhara
Miri-Arab Madrasah, Bukhara
Walls of Ark-Citadel, Bukhara
Ark-Citadel, Bukhara
Ark-Citadel, Bukhara