5-Day Group Tour to Mangystau

5-Day Mangystau Group Tour

Set off on a magnificent jeep tour through the wonders of Mangystau, where the landscapes seem to belong to another planet. Prepare to be amazed by expansive canyons, dramatic cliffs, and uniquely shaped mountains and rocks.

Torysh, Kok-kala, Sherkala, Airakty, Karaman-ata, Ybykty, Tuzbair, Kyzylkup, Beket-ata, Bozzhyra

5 Days | Spring, summer, autumn | US$ 785


Date: from 07-JUN-23 to 10-JUN-23
City: Astana
6th International exhibition of arms and technoligies

Venue: Air force base of the RK
Official site: www.kadex.kz

About the exhibition:

From 7 to 10 June, 2023 the 6 th International Exhibition of arms and technologies "KADEX-2023" will be held on the territory of the military sector of the International Airport of Astana.

Main topics:

  • Land forces
  • Civil and military aviation
  • Naval forces
  • Aerospace and IT
  • Engineering and sustainment