3-Day Mangystau Group Tour

3-Day Mangystau Group Tour

Experience a comprehensive three-day tour that unveils the vast natural wonders of Mangystau. Journeying by jeep, you'll discover an array of majestic sites: from the mysterious stone balls of Torysh to the imposing Sherkala Mountain, the captivating valley of castles Airakty, and the awe-inspiring Bozzhyra tract with its vertigo-inducing viewing platforms. This tour is an incredible way to explore the diverse and stunning landscapes of the region.

Torysh, Kok-kala, Sherkala, Airakty, Bozzhyra, Kyzylkup

3 Days | Spring, summer, autumn | US$ 465

KazAgro 2024 and KazFarm 2024

Date: from 22-OCT-24 to 24-OCT-24
City: Astana
Kazakhstan International exhibitions KazAgro 2024 and KazFarm 2024

Venue: EXPO EC
Exhibition site: www.kazagroexpo.kz

About KazAgro и KazFarm:

Kazakhstan International exhibitions KazAgro 2024 and KazFarm 2024 will take place from 22 to 24 October, 2024 in the exhibition center "Korme" in Astana. KazAgro 2024 – International Exhibition of Agriculture and Food Industry. KazFarm 2024 - International Exhibition of Cattle-breeding and Poultry Yards.

«KazAgro/KazFarm» – professional platforms for presentation of world innovations, technologies and services of the industry, expansion of client network and establishment of new business -contacts, encourages intensive dialogue between producers and consumers of agribusiness, promotes increase of marketability of Kazakhstan producers by means of introduction of modern technologies and promotion on internal and external markets of domestic goods and services.

KazAgro Sections:

  • Agricultural machinery, equipment and spare parts.
  • Mechanical equipment for agricultural enterprises, farm businesses and summer cottages.
  • Irrigation and drainage.
  • Harvesting and storage systems.
  • Equipment for food and processing industry.
  • Milling equipment.
  • Packaging equipment and materials.
  • Agricultural buildings and warehouses.
  • Gardening, vine-yards, hot housing, ecological aspects of technologies in planting, irrigating and modern system of seeding.
  • Biological technology, quality control of agricultural raw materials and products.
  • Agroecology.
  • Ecologically safe means of protecting plants, fertilizers and their using technologies. Feed production.
  • Technologies of closed soil.
  • Food stuffs, halal products.
  • Seeds, sprouts, vegetables-fruits.
  • Genetics and selection in planting.
  • Tobacco and tobacco products.
  • Agrarian science, education, publications.

KazFarm Sections:

  • Cattle breeding, poultry industry, fishing industry, beekeeping.
  • Feeding-stuffs, breeding, care, farms.
  • The newest rations of nutrition for cattle and poultry, concentrates, premixes, feed and vitamin additives.
  • Veterinary medicine and biological additives.
  • Stock breeding complexes.
  • Special tools and equipment for slaughter-houses.
  • Modern technologies and equipment for cultivation, care and maintenance of cattle breeding, poultry-breeding and bee-farming.
  • Boiling and smoking systems.
  • Packaging equipment and materials.
  • Transportation, warehousing, freezing and storage.
  • Trade, weighting and cooling machinery.
  • Hygiene and safety of the production, protection of the environment, utilization of wastes.
  • Agroecology.
  • Food stuffs, halal products.
  • Genetics and selection in cattle-breeding.
  • Raw material for production of bioenergy.
  • Biomass treatment.
  • Biogas unit.
  • Biogas production.
  • Bioenergy.
  • Service, research, development, institutions, publications.