Baku Tops USA Today List of Cities to Explore in 2018

Category: Baku, Azerbaijan Tours

Baku Tops USA Today List of Cities to Explore in 2018USA Today has compiled a list of the top “Off-the-radar cities to explore in 2018”, with the help of Sal Lavallo, a young traveler who has visited all the countries of the world. In the very first place on the list is Baku, Azerbaijan.

Lavallo noted that walking around in the city was like being in a big “open-air museum. They have these ancient, ancient ruins and in the background are modern buildings.” He also noted that there were quite a few sophisticated offerings in Baku, and that it was possible to have a “bougie” holiday in the Caucasus.

Also featured were cities like Abu Dhabi (UAE), Beirut (Lebanon), Asmara (Eritrea), and Mendoza (Argentina), plus many others.