Festival felt in Kyrgyzstan

Familiarity with felt making and use in Kyrgyzstan

Felt is a dense material of lamb wool, which for centuries played a major role in the everyday life of the Kyrgyz people. The secrets of felt making art and decoration with ornaments were handed down from generation to generation. Felt was primarily used as a material for covering yurts from outside. From felt, they made carpets, bags, as well as toys.

Festival felt in Kyrgyzstan
Festival felt in Kyrgyzstan
Festival felt in Kyrgyzstan

The art of felt product making is spread throughout Kyrgyzstan, and every region is characterized by its own dominating technical and artistic techniques. Today, the interest in traditional crafts of the Kyrgyz people is supported, in particular, by tourist activities, such as Felt Festival.

The festival, called “Kiyiz Duyno” in Kyrgyz, includes a collective installation of a yurt, master classes in felt making, creating patterns on the felt, exhibition and sales of felt articles and so on. In addition to it, shows of customs and rituals of the Kyrgyz people, games and folk concerts are also held. Felt festival in Kyrgyzstan is one of the best ways to explore the culture and ethnography of this mountainous country.