Turkmen Dairy Products

Turkmen Dairy Products

Camel and sheep’s milk form the basis for most fermented Turkmen dairy products, while cow’s milk is used for making creamy or melted butters. Most milk products are served with soups and main courses, used as a dip for bread or drunk as a beverage.

The most well-known Turkmen dairy products include:

- agaran - a drink made by mixing camel’s milk and sourdough;
- chala - a beloved and slightly fermented beverage made from camel’s milk;
- teleme - a curd-like cheese made from sheep's milk;
- sakman - a delicious salty cheese similar to feta;
- peinir cheese - made from both goat and sheep's milk;
- gurt - salty, hardened balls of cow’s milk;
- gatyk - thick, sour kefir made from cow’s milk;
- suzmeh - a Turkmen milk product made from cow’s milk which resembles Greek yogurt;
- suitli ash - made by boiling rice, salt and sugar for 20 minutes or until soft. Hot milk is then added and the porridge is cooked for another 30-40 minutes. Suitli ash is served hot with butter.