Armenia In-Depth Tour

10-Day Armenia In-Depth Tour

Come uncover the diversity of Armenia - mysterious Lake Sevan, historical cave village Khndzoresk, pagan temple Garni, Christian cathedrals Etchmiadzin and Haghpat…The Armenia In-Depth Tour embraces beautiful nature, delicious foods and delightful hospitality.

Yerevan, Echmiadzin, Zvarnots, Garni, Geghard, Khor Virap, Noravank, Karahunj, Goris, Tatev, Khnzoresk, Jermuk etc.

10 Days | All year round | from US$ 1,125 per person Details

Jermuk, Armenia

Jermuk, Armenia

Tours, Attractions and Things To Do in Jermuk

Jermuk is the second largest city Vayots Dzor province and one of the most well-known resorts in Armenia. The city became popular thanks to unique thermal-mineral springs around which the city has grown. “Dzherm” means “warm” in Armenian. The water comes out from the geyser spring (water temperature reaches +60 С). The water is heavily saturated with carbon dioxide and is used for drinking, baths, treatment of intestines, liver, and nervous disorders. Jermuk water is known far beyond the republic's borders and is similar to the well-known mineral water in Karlovy Vary. Near the springs a number of hotels, sanatoria, and rest houses have been constructed.

Jermuk itself is a very young city. It was founded in the middle of the 20 th century (1961) as a small resort town near the thermal sources on the bank of the river Arpa amidst picturesque hills and deep gorges. The city is surrounded by rich Alpine verdure and woods. The slopes of gorges are covered with forests. Abundant there are wild fruit trees.

Jermuk stands at 2,080 m above sea level. Therefore, the view of the snow-peaked mountains and the gorge which opens from there is extremely beautiful. Summers are cool there, winters are moderate.

Today's Jermuk is modern and popular spa-resort with a number of parks and recreation zones.

There is also the Tsol waterfall with two thirds of mineral water in it near Jermuk. From time immemorial this water has been famous for its miraculous properties.