Shluzovoi village

Shluzovoi village, Togliatti

Togliatti is a typical industrial city, like many industrial cities which were built around large enterprises: typical buildings of residential quarters, straightly lined streets, gray administrative buildings. However you will hardly find another city with the similar monument parody to the whole epoch: a worker township which was built in the style of architectural classicism.

The Shluzovoi village for builders of sluices at the Kuibyshev hydropower station had been constructed in the blank space. Initially, the settlement was designed for not more than seven thousand inhabitants, and implied the building of dwelling houses for residents in imitation of St. Petersburg architecture of the 18th century which сould have been decorated with moldings, arches, cornices, steeples, cupolas, balustrades and other decoration elements.

Only when the building had been already started, the project was revised and corrected having become more modest and habitual.

Thus, the first buildings of the township became the city’s places of interest, fragments of the ambitious project, which did not come true.

The six-storey house with a tower on the street Krylov is considered to be one of such a masterpiece buildings. The only building with a portico and an arched aperture is attached to the house. Its spectacular opens up the street view and at the same time serves as a connection with the embankment.

The hospital building is a monument of architecture: high ceilings, arched domes, moldings, borders. Its central entrance, which is like more a theater stage, is decorated with a classical portico with six Doric columns and eye-catching arch.

The houses along the street of Nosova are also considered as monuments of architecture. Their facades can serve as an example of Leningrad design school and a model of successful demonstrations of the classicism ideas. There are two stories porticos in all bank side buildings, including four columns. A triangular pediment above is completed with a round attic window. Arched windows on the top, window cornices, balusters in recesses under windows, semicircular two-story bay windows, top of which turned into a balcony - this is conceived a regular image of the houses of the village.

Corner house on the embankment is repeating the style of neighboring buildings, and in its corner part has gracing semicircular portico without pediment.

All houses along the embankment are unified in the style: decorative wall, with arched openings bundles form a continuous visual line.