Old and New Nissa near Ashgabat

Городище Ниса в окрестностях Ашхабада

Not very far (only 18 km ) from the city of Ashgabat in the outskirts of Bagir village there is a unique ancient monument, the ruins of ancient settlement Nisa. It used to be the capital of Parthia which had existed from the third century B.C. to the third century A.D. The Historical complex includes two archeologic monuments - Old and New Nisa.

Old Nisa (formerly Mitridatkert) is especially attractive tourists. It is a strong fortress in a form of an irregular pentagon ( 14 hectares ) and one unapproachable bastion. The fortifications are 9 meters thick foundation and were strengthened by 43 rectangular towers.

Old Nisa had various palace and temple structures. It was a place of festivals dedicated to the idolized representatives of Arsakid dynasty - Partian governors.

Inside Old Nisa there were two large architectural complexes: northern and southern. The first one has ceased to exist (there used to be wine warehouses and the imperial treasury), but the second is the main attraction of the entire Nisa. There are three places of interest for tourists. The first is a big tower, the only available two-storied structure. It towered not only above the memorial complex of Nisa but also the entire area and was visible from a distance of many kilometers. Even now its vaulted walls, masterful mud-brickwork, the reasonableness and integrity of its unique architecture attract visitors who look at it with genuine admiration.

The second is the ruins of huge columns and walls of about 2- 3 meters in height. In those days it was probably the most magnificent room of the temple complex decorated with the statues of idolized Parthian kings. And the third one is the so-called «the Circular Hall" (17 m in diameter). The architecture of Old Nisa is unique, original and has no analogues in the entire Central Asia. Architectural traditions of ancient Greece, Rome and Orient harmoniously merged there. Nisa was built by local architects and builders who had perfectly acquired the techniques and styles of western masters. Having skillfully adapted them, they created completely new unique architecture. Old Nisa had existed only until the 3rd B.C. during the rule of Arshakid dynasty.

New Nisa is an ancient settlement with dwellings of local aristocracy surrounded with hectares of blossoming gardens. People lived there for a long time even after the fall of Arshakids. However, the city was deserted for more than two centuries, after it had been destroyed by Sasanids. Only in the second half of the 5th century it was restored by Sasanid king Firuz who appreciated the convenient location of Nisa. In the year of 651 Nisa was a part of Arabian caliphate. In 1220 Nisa as well as other large cities of Central Asia suffered from Mongols invasion.