Newly weds welcome

Russian wedding traditions: Newly weds welcome

After the church wedding the newlyweds went to the house of the groom to get the blessing of his parents. On the way to the house of the groom druzhka was to comply with all safety precautions: he read the prayers and incantations, removed all stones from the way to prevent possible jinxing. It was believed that evil people could easily spoil the wedding.

At home the groom’s mother wearing inside out sheepskin showered her son and daughter-in-law with oats and millet to protect the young couple and provide riches. Then the groom’s father joined his wife and they both blessed the newlyweds and accompanied them to the wedding tables. Even today, according to tradition, parents greet the newlyweds after the marriage registration in the registry office with bread and salt at the threshold of home. After the welcoming speeches the young couple take a bite or pinch a piece of bread, dip it in salt and eat; the one who bit the bigger piece will wear the pants in the family. This rite symbolizes the true and open consent and is a sign that from now on the newlyweds become the crumbs of the same loaf. 

Then everybody sits down at the table and feast. After the third course druzhka asked the parents of the groom to bless newlyweds and let them go to bed. The feast continued without them. The day after the wedding, the groom invited guests to his place. Then he went to his in-laws and thanked them for their daughter. On the third day the newlyweds and guests arrived to their home to have dinner.