Nature of Turkmenistan - Flora

Flora of Turkmenistan

Flora of Turkmenistan is made of relic forests, subtropics with a set of rare plants, picturesque nooks with preserved centuries-old vegetation.

More than 2.5 thousand plant species grow on the territory of Turkmenistan including about 700 ones in the Kara Kum Desert. Among the most precious plants is 2,000-thousand-old juniper (Turkmen archa) growing on inaccessible tops of the Kopet Dagh. The unique country's grove called Unabi (Kugitang) has the trees whose age exceeds 200 years.

In Karakala, in Ajdere gorge grows the well-known 500-year-old Shakhoz (King of Nuts). Another unique nut grove is located in Ipaikala. Another attraction is the pistachio savanna Badkhyza with century-old trees on Kugitang. The savanna is unsurpassed in its beauty and rarity. In the foothills of the Kopet-Dagh grow about 1,700 kinds of plants - this is the largest "collection" in Central Asia.

The desert flora is represented by the oldest black saxaul which has survived in Yeradzhin natural reserve.

Flora of Turkmenistan