Small Group Tour in Central Asia 2024-2025

Central Asia and Caucasus36 days | Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Armenia

  • TashkentTashkent
  • TashkentTashkent
  • KhujandKhujand
  • DushanbeDushanbe
  • Hissar fortressHissar fortress
  • Hissar fortressHissar fortress
  • TermezTermez
  • Kirk KizKirk Kiz
  • ShakhrisabzShakhrisabz
  • SamarkandSamarkand
  • SamarkandSamarkand
  • BukharaBukhara
  • BukharaBukhara
  • MervMerv
  • AshgabatAshgabat
  • AshgabatAshgabat
  • Kunya-UrgenchKunya-Urgench
  • KhivaKhiva
  • KhivaKhiva
  • KokandKokand
  • KokandKokand
  • OshOsh
  • OshOsh
  • BishkekBishkek
  • Issyk-KulIssyk-Kul
  • Cholpon-Ata petroglyphsCholpon-Ata petroglyphs
  • AlmatyAlmaty
  • Maiden TowerMaiden Tower
  • Icheri SheherIcheri Sheher
  • Gobustan petroglyphsGobustan petroglyphs
  • Lahij villageLahij village
  • House of Sheki KhansHouse of Sheki Khans
  • Kish churchKish church
  • TelaviTelavi
  • SighnaghiSighnaghi
  • Narikala FortressNarikala Fortress
  • TbilisiTbilisi
  • AnanuriAnanuri
  • SevanSevan
  • YerevanYerevan
  • GarniGarni
  • EtchmiadzinEtchmiadzin
  • Khor Virap monasteryKhor Virap monastery
  • Tashkent
  • Tashkent
  • Khujand
  • Dushanbe
  • Hissar fortress
  • Hissar fortress
  • Termez
  • Kirk Kiz
  • Shakhrisabz
  • Samarkand
  • Samarkand
  • Bukhara
  • Bukhara
  • Merv
  • Ashgabat
  • Ashgabat
  • Kunya-Urgench
  • Khiva
  • Khiva
  • Kokand
  • Kokand
  • Osh
  • Osh
  • Bishkek
  • Issyk-Kul
  • Cholpon-Ata petroglyphs
  • Almaty
  • Maiden Tower
  • Icheri Sheher
  • Gobustan petroglyphs
  • Lahij village
  • House of Sheki Khans
  • Kish church
  • Telavi
  • Sighnaghi
  • Narikala Fortress
  • Tbilisi
  • Ananuri
  • Sevan
  • Yerevan
  • Garni
  • Etchmiadzin
  • Khor Virap monastery

This Silk Road tour is ideal for those who live to travel. Within 36 days, you will visit 8 countries, more than 40 settlements and hundreds of sights. At the same time, this trip will reveal all verges of the East: interesting excursions will tell you about the history of the countries and city legends, transfers between cities will open up the most different landscapes of Central Asia and Caucasus, and thought-out free time will allow learning life of local people.
During the tour, you will visit the south of Tajikistan, the country of mountains with hidden picturesque lakes and small cities; Turkmenistan - the country of endless deserts with oases of ancient cities, some of which have disappeared through the time. You will explore Uzbekistan: discover its ancient cities, Samarkand, Shahrisabz, Bukhara, Khiva, with spectacular architecture and deep history. You will also visit the ancient city of Osh in Kyrgyzstan and get acquainted with Almaty, the former capital of Kazakhstan.
On the second part of the tour you will discover the most significant cities and sights of Caucasus such as 
Gremi, Telavi, Tsinandali, Sighnaghi, Tbilisi, Yerevan; and enjoy its picturesque nature.
Impressions will overload and you will take a huge baggage of memories with lifetime warranty. Your world will never be the same after you experience this Silk Road tour.

Tour itinerary:

Day 1: Arrival in Tashkent
Arrive in Tashkent. Transfer from the airport to the hotel. Overnight at the hotel.
Day 2: Tashkent
Visit Old City part of Tashkent with Khast-Imam Complex where the world famous Quran of Caliph Uthman – Ottoman has been preserved. In Khast-Imam visit Madrasah of Barak-Khan, Tilla Sheikh Mosque, Mausoleum of the Saint Abu Bakr Kaffal Shashi and the Islamic Institute of Imam al-Bukhari. Explore Chor-Su Bazaar. Then take a ride on Tashkent Metro to the city center to visit Applied Arts Museum and walk through Navoi Theater to Amir Timur Square where you will end Tashkent city tour. Enjoy free time in the afternoon. Overnight at the hotel.
Duration of sightseeing tour: 5-6 hours
Day 3: Tashkent – Khujand
Early morning transfer to Uzbekistan-Tajikistan border Oybek-Fotekhobod (100 km, 1 h. 30 min.). Go through border formalities on both checkpoints. Meet Tajik local guide and driver and drive to Khujand (70 km, 1 h.). Sightseeing in Khujand: Republican Historical-Ethnographic Museum, Timur Malik Fortress, Archaeological Museum, Mosque and Madrasah of Sheikh Muslehiddin, Panjshanbe Bazaar. Overnight at the hotel.
Duration of sightseeing tour: 3 hours
Day 4: Khujand – Dushanbe
In the morning depart Khujand and drive to Dushanbe (270 km, 5 h.) through picturesque Anzob pass (3300 m above sea level). Arrive in Dushanbe. Visit Mosque of Hoji Yakub, National Museum of Antiquities of Tajikistan, Gurminj Musical Instruments Museum, Ismail Somoni Monument, and Rudaki Park. Overnight at the hotel.
Duration of sightseeing tour: 2 hours
Day 5: Dushanbe – Termez
Transfer to Tajikistan-Uzbekistan border Bratstvo-Sariosiyo (70 km, 1 h.), on the way visit Hissar Fortress where you can see Madrasah Kuhna. Continue driving to the border. Go through border formalities on both checkpoints. On Uzbekistan side meet your local guide and driver. Transfer to Termez (180 km, 2 h. and 30 min.). In the afternoon have a short sightseeing tour in Termez: visit Archeology Museum and Mausoleum of Al-Hakim at-Termezi. Overnight at the hotel.
Duration of sightseeing tour: 3 hours
Day 6: Termez
Continue city tour in Termez: visit Kokildor-Ota Khanaka, Fortress Kirk Kiz – the summer residence of Samani rulers, Sultan Saodat Ensemble, Zurmal Tower – Buddha's stupa, and Buddhist archaeological site of Fayaztepa. Overnight at the hotel.
Duration of sightseeing tour: 6-7 hours
Day 7: Termez – Shakhrisabz – Samarkand
In the morning depart Termez and drive to Samarkand via Shakhrisabz (290 km, 5 h.). Have a city tour in Shakhrisabz. Visit Mausoleum of Jakhongir in Dor-us Siodat Memorial Complex, remains of Ak-Saray Palace, Dor-ut Tilavat Ensemble with Kok-Gumbaz Mosque and burial vault of Tamerlane’s father. In the afternoon continue driving to Samarkand (90 km, 2 h.).
Arrive in Samarkand, check in to the hotel for overnight.
Duration of sightseeing tour: 2 hours
Day 8: Samarkand
Meet your guide and driver at hotel lobby to start city tour. Visit spectacular Registan Square, remains of Bibi Khanum Mosque, Siyob Bazaar, Ulugbek Observatory, Shakhi-Zinda Necropolis and Gur Emir Mausoleum – the mausoleum of Amir Timur. Overnight at the hotel.
Duration of sightseeing tour: 6-7 hours
Day 9: Samarkand – Bukhara
Check-out from the hotel till noon. Continue sightseeing: visit Afrosiyob Museum and the Tomb of Saint Daniel. Drive to Konigil village to explore traditional way of making Samarkand paper from mulberry. In the afternoon depart Samarkand and drive to Bukhara. Stopover at Caravanserai Rabat Malik dating back to 11th century. Arrive in Bukhara, check in to the hotel for overnight.
Duration of sightseeing tour: 3-4 hours
Day 10: Bukhara
Enjoy a walking sightseeing tour with a guide in Old City. Visit Lyabi Hauz Ensemble, Magoki-Attori Mosque, Chor-Minor Madrasah, trade domes, Kalyan Minaret, Kalyan Mosque and Miri-Arab Madrasah, Ulugbek and Abdulazizkhan madrasahs, Ark Fortress, Bolo-Khauz Mosque, Ismail Samani and Chashma-Ayub mausoleums. In the evening enjoy dinner and folklore show at medieval madrasah. Overnight at the hotel.
Duration of sightseeing tour: 6-7 hours
Day 11: Bukhara
On the second day visit Sitorai Mokhi-khosa – the summer residence of Bukhara’s last emir, unique site combining Oriental and Russian architecture. Continue to the Mausoleum of Bakhoutdin Naqshbandi and Chor-Bakr Necropolis. Free time. Overnight at the hotel.
Duration of sightseeing tour: 3-4 hours
Day 12: Bukhara – Mary
In the morning transfer to Uzbekistan-Turkmenistan border point Alat-Farab (100 km, 1 h. 30 min.). Go through border formalities on both checkpoints. Meet your Turkmenistan guide and drive to Mary through Turkmenabad (290 km, 5 h. 30 min.). Arrival in Mary, check in to the hotel. Overnight at the hotel.
Day 13: Mary – Merv – Ashgabat
After breakfast drive to Ancient Merv (40 km, 30 min.). Discover historical park with Sultan Sanjar Mausoleum, Large and Small Gyz Gala, Erk Gala, Gyaur Gala, Keshk Fortress, and others. Return to Mary. Visit History Museum of Merv region. Take the evening flight to Ashgabat (370 km, 40 min.). Transfer to the hotel upon arrival for overnight.
Duration of sightseeing tour: 4-5 hours
Day 14: Ashgabat
Sightseeing tour in Ashgabat, the capital of Turkmenistan that entered Guinness Book of World Records as as having more white marble buildings than any other city in the world. Explore an archaeological site of Old Nisa (included in UNESCO World Heritage list) and Spiritual Mosque, one of the biggest mosques in Central Asia. Visit the National Museum of History, the Monument of Neutrality, Ertugrul Gazi Mosque and newly built Independence Park. Stopover at the Akhalteke horse stables and Lenin Monument. Overnight at the hotel.
Duration of sightseeing tour: 6 hours
Day 15: Ashgabat – Dashoguz – Kunya Urgench – Khiva
Transfer to the airport for morning flight to Dashoguz (580 km, 50 min.). Drive to Kunya Urgench (100 km, 1 h. 30 min.), the ancient capital of Khorezm Empire. Visit Kunya Urgench historical site: mausoleums of Turebek-Khanym, Sultan Tekesh, Sultan Il Arslan, Najmad-din-Kubra, Sultan Ali. Discover the Kutlug Timur Minaret and Kyrk Molla Hill. In the afternoon drive to Turkmenistan-Uzbekistan border point Dashoguz-Shavat. Go through border formalities on both checkpoints. Meet your driver and continue to Khiva (60 km, 1 h.). Overnight at the hotel.
Duration of sightseeing tour: 2 hours
Day 16: Khiva – Urgench – Tashkent
Check-out from hotel till noon. Spend a day in Ichan-Kala Fortress, a UNESCO World Heritage site. Visit Toshkhovli Palace, Mukhammad Amin Khan Madrasah, Mukhammad Rahimkhan Madrasah, Kalta Minor, Juma Mosque, Pakhlavan Makhmud Mausoleum, Minaret of Islom Khodja. Free time. In the evening you will be transferred to Urgench airport (30 km, 35 min.) for flight to Tashkent (1093 km, 1 h. 40 min.). Upon arrival transfer to the hotel for overnight.
Duration of sightseeing tour: 5 hours
Day 17: Tashkent – Kokand – Rishtan – Fergana
Drive to Fergana Valley (320 km till Fergana city) through the picturesque mountain pass Kamchik (2267 m. above the sea level). Make the first stop in Kokand: visit the Khudoyar-Khan Palace, Jami Mosque, Norbutabek and Kamol-Kazy madrasahs. Head to Rishtan town to visit a pottery workshop. Continue driving to Fergana city. Visit Akhmad Al-Fergani Park in Fergana. Check in to the hotel for overnight.
Duration of sightseeing tour: 4-5 hours
Day 18: Fergana – border point – Osh – Bishkek
In the morning transfer to Uzbekistan-Kyrgyzstan border point. Go through border formalities on both checkpoints. In Kyrgyzstan meet your local guide and driver and continue to Osh.
Have a short city tour in Osh which according to legends was founded by King Solomon 3000 years ago.
Visit Suleiman-Too (Solomon’s Mountain), National Museum of History and Archaeology, and Osh Bazaar located at that same place from time when Osh was an important trading center on the Great Silk Road. In the afternoon transfer to local airport for flight to Bishkek. Upon arrival you will be transferred to the hotel. Overnight at the hotel.
Duration of sightseeing tour: 2 hours
Day 19: Bishkek – Ala-Archa – Bishkek
After breakfast transfer to the Ala-Archa National Park (40 km, 50 min.) which attracts visitors with its beautiful mountain scenery and hiking trails. Fast flowing Ala-Archa River runs through the alpine gorge surrounded by snowy peaks with steep forested slopes. Enjoy free time or a hike in the park.
In the afternoon return to Bishkek for city tour. Visit Oak Park, Ala-Too Square, Statue of Manas. See Philharmonic Hall and Victory Monument – bright examples of Soviet architecture. Overnight at the hotel.
Duration of sightseeing tour: 3-4 hours
Day 20: Bishkek – Issyk-Kul
In the morning transfer to Issyk-Kul Lake (260 km, 4 h.). Stopover to see Burana Tower, what has left from the ancient city Balasagyn (11-13 cent.). Continue driving to Issyk-Kul, the second largest mountain lake in the world (1600 m above sea level). Arrival at the lake, accommodation in a hotel at the North Coast of Issyk-Kul.
Day 21: Issyk-Kul – Bishkek
After breakfast transfer to Cholpon-Ata where you will see petroglyphs, the rock carvings lying under the open sky, visit Ethnographical Museum. Continue to Bishkek (280 km, 4 h.). Arrive in Bishkek, free time. Overnight at the hotel.
Day 22: Bishkek – Almaty
After breakfast, depart Bishkek and drive to Almaty (250 km, 4 h.). Cross Kyrgyzstan-Kazakhstan border. Continue travelling to Almaty via a newly built highway, see natural landscapes on the way. Arrive in Almaty in the afternoon, check in to the hotel. Overnight at the hotel.
Day 23: Almaty
Your guide and driver will meet you at hotel lobby to start the sightseeing tour in Almaty: visit Panfilov Park, Zenkov Cathedral, Central State Museum and Republic Square. Enjoy panoramic view at Kok-Tobe Hill, visit Medeu Gorge. Overnight at the hotel.
Duration of sightseeing tour: 5-6 hours
Day 24: Almaty – Baku
Transfer to the airport for morning flight to Azerbaijan. Arrival in Baku. You will be met by the driver and transferred to the hotel. Meet your guide and start the sightseeing tour in Baku. Visit Martyrs Lane, known as ‘Shehidler Khiyabany’ among locals. When you walk through the Alley of the Martyrs, you will find a beautiful view overlooking Baku’s coastline. Move to Icheri Sheher, the old part of the city. Visit Shirvan Shahs’ Palace, Caravanserai, Maiden Tower, and the main market square, which has numerous art studios and souvenir stalls. Continue touring new Baku by exploring Nizami Street and Fountain Square. An excellent round-up to the city tour will be the visit to the iconic Heydar Aliev center.
In the evening enjoy a welcome dinner at a local restaurant. Overnight at the hotel.
Duration of sightseeing tour: 6-7 hours
Driving distance: 10 km
Day 25: Baku – Absheron Peninsula – Gobustan – Baku
Today you will visit the area of the Greater Baku and Absheron peninsula. The first stop is at Yanardag Mountain, also known as Burning Hill, where natural gas has been ablaze for hundreds of years. Continue to the Ateshgah Fire Temple, located in the village of Surakhany. Zoroastrians from India travel thousands of kilometers to Ateshgah to worship the fire coming out of the earth. After lunch, drive to Gobustan National Park to visit the Petroglyph Museum and explore rock carvings dating back to 10,000 BC. The Gobustan Rock Art Cultural Landscape is a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Weather permitting, drive to the mud volcanoes in Gobustan Reserve (change of vehicle). Gobustan is home to almost half of the world’s mud volcanoes. Return to Baku in the evening. Overnight at the hotel.
Duration of sightseeing tour: 8-9 hours
Driving distance: 220 km
Day 26: Baku – Lagich* – Sheki
In the morning, depart Baku and drive to Sheki. On the way, stop at Diri Baba Mausoleum in the village of Maraza. Continue to Shamakhi to visit the historical Juma Mosque, which was restored in 2013. Weather permitting, a scenic drive through Girdimanchay River Canyon to visit Lahich will follow. Lagich (also Lahij, Lahich), an ancient village with charming cobbled sidewalks, is famous for its medieval water supply and sewage systems, as well as its traditional jewelry, copperware, carpets, pottery, daggers, and iron tools workshops. This quaint, 5th-century corner of the Caucasus Mountains is rich in historical and architectural value. Continue driving to Sheki for an evening arrival. Overnight at the hotel.
Driving distance: 340 km
Duration of sightseeing tour: 10-11 hours

*Lagich will not be reachable during 2024 due to the road construction.
Day 27: Sheki – Georgian border – Kvareli
Check out of the hotel and start a new day visiting the colorful Sheki Bazaar. You can find virtually everything you may want to eat: local fruits and berries, spices, freshly baked bread, honey, cheeses, and Sheki sweets. Continue to Sheki Khans Palace surrounded by medieval fortress walls. Visit handicrafts workshop and Caravanserai. Depart Sheki and head towards border with Georgia (115 km, ~2 h.). At the border, you will say goodbye to your guide, go through border formalities, and cross the neutral territory on foot (500 m).
After exiting Georgian border control point you will meet your Georgian guide and start exploring the Eastern part of Georgia famous for its viticulture and winemaking traditions. Enjoy a traditional lunch in a Georgian family. We will pass through the beautiful landscapes of vineyards and wine-producing villages. The next stop will be at unique wine cellar “Khareba” located in the tunnel carved out of the rock. Originally built for military purposes, today the tunnel is used to store Kakheti’s finest wines. Wine tour and wine tasting. Continue to your hotel for overnight.
Driving distance: 180 km
Duration of sightseeing tour: 9-10 hours
Day 28: Tsinandali – Bodbe – Sighnaghi – Tbilisi
After breakfast, continue exploring Kakheti by visiting Tsinandali, the residence of dukes of Georgia, with beautiful English garden, museum, and wine cellar which belonged to prince Chavchavadze, public figure and poet of 19th century. Continue to Bodbe Convent and Sighnaghi Royal Town, one of the crossroads of the Great Silk Road surrounded by defensive walls with 23 towers. In the afternoon, we will head to Tbilisi for overnight.
Duration of sightseeing tour: 9-10 hours
Driving distance: 190 km
Day 29: Tbilisi
In the morning, have a sightseeing tour of Tbilisi. Start at Metekhi church and monument to Vakhtang Gorgasali, the legendary founder of Tbilisi. Visit Narikala Fortress to enjoy breathtaking panoramic view of the city. Walk down to the district of sulphur bath houses and pass by the only mosque in Tbilisi. Stroll through the Sharden area, full of narrow streets with cozy cafés, wine tasting bars, souvenir shops, and breathe in the living past. We will also see Sioni Cathedral, Anchiskhati Basilica, the clock tower of famous Rezo Gabriadze Theatre, and the Bridge of Peace, which leads to Rike Park. After a couple of hours at your leisure, visit local restaurant to taste traditional Georgian cuisine. Overnight at the hotel.
Duration of sightseeing tour: 4-5 hours
Driving distance: 10 km
Day 30: Tbilisi – Mtskheta – Ananuri – Kazbegi
After breakfast, drive to Mtskheta, one of the oldest towns and the cultural and religious center of Georgia. Mtskheta was the capital of the Eastern Georgian Kingdom of Iberia from the third century BC. Visit Jvari, a true architectural masterpiece of the early Medieval Period built on a hilltop. You will enjoy the views of the confluence of the Aragvi and Mtkvari rivers. Visit Svetitskhoveli Cathedral, the main cathedral of Mtskheta and a sacred place where the robe of Christ is being kept. Continue to Ananuri Complex, a former residence of Argveti Dukes. The complex features churches and towers dating back to the 16-17th centuries, beautifully overlooking the Jinvali reservoir. Continue driving on Georgian Military Highway passing through the highest point of it at 2394 m above sea level. En-route, make a stop at the mineral water spring flowing down from a hilltop. Arrive at Kazbegi, a small town with views of Mt. Kazbek (or Mkinvari) 5033 m, the seventh highest peak in the Caucasus Mountains.
Visit Gergeti Holy Trinity Church located at an altitude of 2170 and enjoy breathtaking views to Mt Kazbegi. Overnight at the hotel in Kazbegi.
Duration of sightseeing tour: 7-8 hours
Driving distance: 180 km
Day 31: Kazbegi – Gori – Uplistsikhe – Tbilisi
Breakfast. Drive to Stalin’s hometown of Gori. Visit the Stalin Museum, which includes more than 60,000 artifacts, the tiny house where Stalin was born, and an impressive bulletproof train that Stalin used to travel to Yalta and Potsdam. Explore the cave town of Uplistsikhe, which dates to the Hellenistic Period and is notable for its unique combination of various styles of rock-cut architecture, including both pagan and Christian. Reach Tbilisi. Overnight at the hotel.
Duration of sightseeing tour: 8-9 hours
Driving distance: 300 km
Day 32: Tbilisi – Armenian border – Haghpat – Lake Sevan – Sevanavank – Yerevan
Breakfast. Meet your driver at the hotel after breakfast to transfer to the Georgian-Armenian border point, Sadakhlo-Bagratashen. Cross the border and meet your Armenian guide and driver to start the journey to the land of ancient traditions and the ancient churches. Drive to the Lori region and visit the UNESCO World Heritage Site of Haghpat Monastery. This stunning example of traditional Armenian architecture was erected between the 10th and 13th centuries. Standing on a hillside, Haghpat beautifully overlooks the Debed River Canyon. The monastery’s location was chosen to protect the peace and seclusion of the monks. Drive through Dilijan to Lake Sevan, one of the largest high-mountain freshwater lakes in the world. The lake’s coastline is rich with dense woods, white cliff faces, mountain steppes, and Alpine meadows. Visit Sevanavank Monastery, which is situated at the lake and is surrounded by mountains. Reach Yerevan, the capital of Armenia, in the evening. Overnight at the hotel.
Duration of sightseeing tour: 9-10 hours
Driving distance: 370 km
Day 33: Yerevan – Echmiadzin – Yerevan
In the morning, drive out of the city to Etchmiadzin*, the Holy See of Armenia and the residence of the head of the Armenian Apostolic Church – the Catholicos of All Armenians. Return to explore Yerevan, the oldest capital city in the South Caucasus. Yerevan is known as the Pink City and attracts visitors with its humble yet splendid landscapes. Our first stop in Yerevan will be at the Armenian Genocide Memorial Complex on Tsitsernakaberd Hill. Next, visit the Cascade Monument, one of the main symbols of the city. The mega scale staircase is 118 meters high and has 572 steps. From the top of the monument, enjoy a breathtaking city view that includes the Opera House, Mount Ararat, Swan Lake, Republic Square, and Abovyan Avenue, all of which we’ll see as we walk the streets of Yerevan.
In the evening, visit traditional Armenian restaurant for a firewall dinner. Overnight at the hotel.
*The site is currently under conservation works. Observation of the Cathedral is possible from the outside.
Duration of sightseeing tour: 6-7 hours
Driving distance: 50 km
Day 34: Yerevan – Khor Virap – Areni cave – Noravank – Yerevan
At 08:00, we will head to Khor Virap Monastery. According to the legend, St. Gregory the Illuminator, the Baptist of Armenia, had been kept in the basement here for 13 years for disseminating of Christianity until King Tradt decided to adopt the new religion. The monastery’s location allows you to enjoy the best views of Mount Ararat.
Drive to Noravank Complex situated on a ledge of a deep winding gorge. Noravank stands amidst the bizarrely shaped, precipitous red cliffs. Continue to Areni Cave complex, where in 2008, the earliest shoe in the world was found. Depart back to Yerevan. On the way, stop in Areni for wine tasting. Arrive in Yerevan at around 18:00. Overnight at the hotel.
Duration of sightseeing tour: 7-8 hours
Driving distance: 240 km
Day 35: Yerevan – Garni – Symphony of Stones – Geghard – Yerevan
Depart Yerevan and drive to Garni, the only pagan temple in Armenia that survived the introduction of Christianity in the 4th century. Descend Garni Gorge to explore a monumental rock formation called Symphony of Stones. Next stop is the monastery complex called Geghard (“spear”). The beautiful landscape of Geghard is framed by towering cliffs. Decorative art cut into the rocks reflects and explains Medieval development in this part of the world. The complex appeared in the 4th century around the sacred spring inside of the cave. Return to Yerevan.
You will have a free afternoon to explore more of Yerevan (Ararat Brandy Factory, Matenadaran manuscripts museum, History Museum, or the souvenirs market “Vernisage”. Overnight at the hotel.
Duration of sightseeing tour: 4-5 hours
Driving distance: 80 km
Day 36: Yerevan – departure
Check-out from the hotel till noon. Free time till transfer to Yerevan International Airport. End of Central Asia and Caucasus tour.
Driving distance: 10 km
  • All transfers (1-2 pax by sedan, 3-4 pax by Mercedes Vito or similar, 5-10 pax by Mercedes Sprinter passenger van);
  • Accommodation based on double/twin room sharing, breakfasts included;
  • Sightseeing tour program in each country with local English-speaking guides;
  • Entrance fees to sights as per itinerary;
  • Economy class ticket for flights Urgench-Tashkent; Mary-Ashgabat, Ashgabat-Dashoguz; Osh-Bishkek; Almaty-Baku;
  • Visa support letter for Uzbekistan visa;
  • Visa support for Tajikistan, Turkmenistan tourist visas;
  • Azerbaijan e-visa;
  • Wine tasting in Kakheti region, Georgia and Areni, Armenia;
  • Dinner and folklore show in Bukhara (Day 10);
  • Dinners in Baku (folklore show in Baku is provided for groups of 4 travelers and more), Tbilisi, and Yerevan;
  • Lunch in a Georgian family;
  • Bottled drinking water.
  • Tour leader to accompany the travellers for the whole period of the tour;
  • Full board (lunch and dinner);
  • Hotel charges for additional services;
  • A tax of 2 USD per night in Turkmenistan, paid to the hotel upon check out;
  • Consular fees for tourist visas;
  • Visa support letter for Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan, Georgia tourist visas;
  • International flight tickets before and after the tour;
  • Tips are not included, but would be appreciated;
  • Personal travel insurance.


Khujand - 1 night
Khujand Deluxe (mansard room)
Khujand Grand / Khujand Deluxe
Dushanbe - 1 night
Atlas B&B or similar
Hilton Dushanbe or similar
Termez - 2 nights
Samarkand - 2 nights
Usman / Meros / Asia Samarkand or similar
Dilimah / Sultan / Grand Samarkand Superior / Grand Samarkand / Platan or similar
Bukhara - 3 nights
Minzifa / K.Komil / Bibikhanum / Amulet / As-Salom / Fatima / Kavsar or similar
Paradise Plaza / Omar Khayam / Minor / Asia Bukhara / Zargaron Plaza or similar
Mary - 1 night
Ashgabat - 2 nights
Sport / Ak-Altyn / Grand Turkmen
Khiva - 1 night
Muso Tura / Polvon Qori / New Star / Orient Star or similar
Zarafshan Boutique / Asia Khiva / Erkin Palace / Bek Khiva or similar
Fergana - 1 night
Asia Fergana / Terra Nova or similar
Asia Fergana / Terra Nova or similar
Bishkek - 3 nights
Damas / Ambassador / Sofiya or similar
Issyk-Kul - 1 night
Raduga / The Try Korony or similar
Raduga / The Try Korony or similar
Almaty - 2 nights
Kazzhol Park / Garden Park / Mercure
Rixos Almaty

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